the best saturdays happen on tuesday

Tag Archives: waffles

We love Detroit businesses.

Foursquare and facebook photos will show you we’ve made frequent stops at Elias Donuts, Avalon, The Bronx Bar, etc. But a need to get away from home for a while meant traveling to Royal Oak.

I’m not sure why breakfast came up, but it was decided that Leo’s Coney Island would be the best place to go.

Can you say eggs with spinach, cheese and green peppers, waffles topped with strawberries and whipped cream, and crispy hash-browns?

Leo’s is the space for everything and everyone. Whether looking for a quick bite with the siblings or sobering up with friends, this spacious and busy greasy spoon worth slipping into from time to time.

The grease continued the next evening (yes, tuesdaysaturday can stretch) when a grumbling stomach after my first day at my new job drove me to Pizza Papalis, Naidra in tow.

Deep pan crust loveliness with cheese, tomato sauce, pineapples, spinach, and  green peppers, and olives on my side – Naidra would never insult the pineapple with olives the way I am willing to.

The verdict? It was wonderful in every fork full. And we even got a little work and socializing done while watching The Closer.

Eating great food, securing employment, maintaining friendships, blogging and supporting metro businesses: I’d say we tuesdaysaturday ladies had a great holiday! Hope you readers did, too.